Cyber Mayday and the Day After: A Leader's Guide to Preparing, Managing, and Recovering from Inevitable Business Disruptions

Cyber Mayday and the Day After: A Leader's Guide to Preparing, Managing, and Recovering from Inevitable Business Disruptions

Daniel Lohrmann, Shamane Tan

Format: Print Book

ISBN: 9781119835301

  • Rp 550.653,10
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Successfully lead your company through the worst crises with this first-hand look at emergency leadership

Cyber security failures made for splashy headlines in recent years, giving us some of the most spectacular stories of the year. From the Solar Winds hack to the Colonial Pipeline ransomware event, these incidents highlighted the centrality of competent crisis leadership.

Cyber Mayday and the Day After offers readers a roadmap to leading organizations through dramatic emergencies by mining the wisdom of C-level executives from around the globe. It’s loaded with interviews with managers and leaders who've been through the crucible and survived to tell the tale.

From former FBI agents to Chief Information Security Officers, these leaders led their companies and agencies through the worst of times and share their hands-on wisdom. In this book, you’ll find out:

What leaders wish they'd known before an emergency and how they've created a crisis game plan for future situations
How executive-level media responses can maintain – or shatter – consumer and public trust in your firm
How to use communication, coordination, teamwork, and partnerships with vendors and law enforcement to implement your crisis response
Cyber Mayday and the Day After is a must-read experience that offers managers, executives, and other current or aspiring leaders a first-hand look at how to lead others through rapidly evolving crises.


DAN LOHRMANN is an internationally recognized cybersecurity leader, technologist, speaker, and author. Starting his career at the National Security Agency, he served as Michigan’s first Chief Security Officer and has advised senior leaders at the White House, National Governor’s Association, and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.

SHAMANE TAN is Chief Growth Officer at Sekuro, a top-tier end to end cybersecurity firm and trusted partner in APAC. She leads the outreach strategy aimed at helping C-executives manage cyber risk as part of their value preservation and business growth objectives. She is also a TEDx speaker, founder of international brand Cyber Risk Meetup, and the author of Cyber Risk Leaders.

Format: Hardcover
Pub Date: Nov 2021