Allianced Enterprise: Global Strategies For Corporate Collaboration, The

Allianced Enterprise: Global Strategies For Corporate Collaboration, The

Geert Duysters

Format: Print Book

ISBN: 9781860942907

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Firms all over the world are entering into strategic alliances. Successful alliance management, however, requires corporations to adapt their management models to the demands of this new mode of organization. New tools, techniques and ideas need to be introduced in order to fully benefit from the potential advantages of alliances.Firms are becoming embedded in alliances to such an extent that the autonomous firm no longer exists. Instead, the allianced enterprise has emerged as a viable form of organization. To guide managers in developing their allianced enterprise, this book provides an overview of the latest in alliance thinking. It describes such key issues as how to position a company in a network, how to develop an alliance capability, how to design alliance constellations, the skills required for alliance managers, the impact of the Internet on partnering, and much more.In this book, some of the world's leading thinkers (academics, consultants and practitioners) on alliances share their latest, insightful ideas. Aimed at a management audience, the book is concise and practical. It deals with all aspects of alliance management, updating the reader on the state-of-the-art in this challenging field.

Format: Hardcover
No of Pages: 144
Imprint: Imperial College Press
Publication date: 20011105

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