Challenges For The 21st Century, Procs Of The Intl Conf On Fundamental Sciences: Mathematics And Theoretical Physics

Challenges For The 21st Century, Procs Of The Intl Conf On Fundamental Sciences: Mathematics And Theoretical Physics

Louis Hsiao Yun Chen

Format: Print Book

ISBN: 9789810246464

  • Rp 3.096.336,07
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The International Conference on Fundamental Sciences: Mathematics and Theoretical Physics provided a forum for reviewing some of the significant developments in mathematics and theoretical physics in the 20th century; for the leading theorists in these fields to expound and discuss their views on new ideas and trends in the basic sciences as the new millennium approached; for increasing public awareness of the importance of basic research in mathematics and theoretical physics; and for promoting a high level of interest in mathematics and theoretical physics among school students and teachers. This was a major conference, with invited lectures by some of the leading experts in various fields of mathematics and theoretical physics.

Format: Hardcover
No of Pages: 528
Imprint: World Scientific
Publication date: 20010509

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