Fundraising Among the Giants: How to Attract High Net Worth Individuals and Major Donors for Good

Fundraising Among the Giants: How to Attract High Net Worth Individuals and Major Donors for Good

Richard Giam Kee Choo

Format: Print Book

ISBN: 9789811185472

  • Rp 488.693,87
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Fundraising Among the Giants is an inspirational self-help book for fundraisers or anyone required to raise funds or connect with High Net Worth Individuals (HNWI). It is specifically about asking for major gifts for social causes. Often, it can be very daunting for fundraisers to approach HNWI because of their financial stature and prominence. However, this book is to help fundraisers see the giant in themselves so that they will have the courage to even inspire HNWI towards a greater cause and be part of their mission to do social good. In order to create a bigger social impact, fundraisers need to stand on the shoulders of giants so they can go faster and further on the journey of philanthropic fundraising together. This book will offer practical insights and tips on how to fundraise effectively and grow in the process. The personal experiences of the author, a seasoned communications expert and fundraiser for more than 18 years, will inspire you to reach for the skies and make a difference in the world of social work.

Comment :Fundraising
Country of Publication :Singapore
Format :P
Edition :1
Publication Date :20181031
Affiliation :Rainmakerz Pte Ltd,Singapore Red Cross, Kenn Foundation, Gym Wear Movement Pte Ltd,IM Holdings Pte Ltd
List of Awards :Pearson Education Gold Medal Award,Personal Brand Award 2018
Marketing Notes :1. First major gift fundraising book written by a Singaporean. 2. Author is widely recognised and endorsed by many business and industry leaders. 3. It reveals the strategies and technqiues used by author to attract major gift donors.
Target Audience :Any organisations or individuals who wants to raise funds or connect with high net worth individuals

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