[eBook] Language Assessment: A Practical Approach

[eBook] Language Assessment: A Practical Approach

Aek Phakiti, Judy Fernandez and Adam Steinhoff

Format: eBook-DRM

ISBN: 9789811819506

  • Rp 347.616,58
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"Language Assessment: A Practical Approach aims to present and discuss essential issues, considerations and practices in language testing and assessment. Tests and assessments are used for a variety of purposes and reasons (e.g., achievement, certification and selection), but they present both intended and unintended effects on test takers and society. This book considers assessment purposes, types of tests, criteria for evaluating tests and assessments, designing test tasks for a specific language skill, some basic test analysis and other important issues and considerations in language testing and assessment. The book provides an introductory and accessible text on language assessment; Presents theoretical and methodological frameworks for assessment design and use. Offers a unique apportunity for the readers to learn about and reflect on principles in language assessment. Promotes good practices in language assessment; and provides resources for classroom activities and further study." -- Extracted from back cover.

Publisher:  SEAMEO RELC
Series: New Portfolio Series
Subject: Language
Publication Year: 2021
Number of Page: 146

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