Teaching Content in English: Principles and Pedagogy

Teaching Content in English: Principles and Pedagogy

Lindsay Miller

Format: eBook-DRM

ISBN: 9789811819964

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"This book is about using English as a second or foreign language to teach content. Based on examples from established courses, Lindsay Miller illustrates a new pedagogical approach when English is the Medium of Instruction (EMI). The book begins with some highlights showing how English is currently being used to teach content in different contexts. Then, some examples of research and practice illustrate the many contexts EMI has been used in: primary, secondary and tertiary levels. Miller next suggests four principles as a broad framework to approach EMI course design: use vertical and horizontal learning, develop new pedagogical techniques, allow for learner autonomy, and engage students via interesting content. Finally, in the last chapter, the future of using English to teach content is highlighted and the reader is reminded that the issues involved in EMI are many and varied and change from country to country. Throughout the book there are a series of questions to think about or discuss with others. Therefore, the book can be used for either personal reflection or as a training resource. -- Extracted from back cover."

Publisher:  SEAMEO RELC
Series: New Portfolio Series
Subject: Language
Publication Year: 2020
Number of Page: 60

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