[eChapters]Michael Leifer: Selected Works on Southeast Asia
(Regional Decision-Making and Corporate Foreign Policies; 28. Europe and Southeast Asia; 29. Regionalism Compared: The Perils and Benefits of Expansion)

[eChapters]Michael Leifer: Selected Works on Southeast Asia (Regional Decision-Making and Corporate Foreign Policies; 28. Europe and Southeast Asia; 29. Regionalism Compared: The Perils and Benefits of Expansion)

Chin Kin Wah ; Leo Suryadinata

Format: eChapters-DRM

ISBN: 9789812305411C07

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Michael Leifer who died in 2001 was undisputedly the doyen of Southeast Asian Studies. He has left behind a very rich legacy of works on the Southeast Asian region — ASEAN, regional order and conflict, great power policies towards the region, maritime security in Southeast Asia, and studies of the domestic policies of individual Southeast Asian countries. He also addressed broader thematic issues such as nationalism and revolution in Southeast Asia, the decolonization process, and balance of power in the region.
          Much of Michael Leifer's work on the region has an enduring quality, which will have resonance and relevance to students and later generations of scholars and researchers. Considering the depth and extensive reach of his work on Southeast Asia, this volume of his selected works will capture the encyclopaedic range of his expertise on the region. This book is the first of its kind.

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Subjects:Asia / Southeast Asia History

Number of Pages: 28


Institute of Southeast Asian Studies

Publication Date: 38560

Format: Ebook

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