[eChapters]State Dominance in Myanmar: The Political Economy of Industrialization
(Enduring Ideas and Lingering Notions)

[eChapters]State Dominance in Myanmar: The Political Economy of Industrialization (Enduring Ideas and Lingering Notions)

Tin Maung Maung Than

Format: eChapters-DRM

ISBN: 9789812305626C02

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The central focus of the book is the states efforts to industrialize Myanmar, first through direct intervention and planning under a socialist economic framework as interpreted by the state leaders (1948-88) and lately (1989 onwards) through state-managed outward orientation. In examining developments during the 1948-88 period, this study situates the Myanmar case within the developmental state paradigm, whereby a critique of the investment-driven -pathway of Myanmars political economy under socialist ethos is provided. On the other hand, in examining the post-1988 period, the focus is on drawing attention to continuities regarding the states crucial role, despite attempts to introduce market-conforming policies and practices, in economic development in general and industrialization in particular.

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Subjects:Economic Development

Number of Pages: 17


Institute of Southeast Asian Studies

Publication Date: 39020

Format: Ebook

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