Ebooks and Print Books Specialist
'Honour' Killing and Violence
'Illegal' Traveller
'Moral Power' of the European Union in the South Caucasus
'Non-Lethal' Weapons
'Post'-9/11 South Asian Diasporic Fiction
'Punto de Vista' and the Argentine Intellectual Left
'Race', Culture and the Right to the City
'Race,’ Space and Multiculturalism in Northern England
'Regimes of Historicity' in Southeastern and Northern Europe, 1890-1945
'Soft' Policing
'The Chinese Century'?
(Almost) Impossible Integrals, Sums, and Series
(Be)Werten. Beiträge zur sozialen Konstruktion von Wertigkeit
(De)Standardisierung von Bildungsverläufen und -strukturen
(Digitale) Medien und soziale Gedächtnisse
(En)Gendering Taiwan
(Endo)symbiotic Methanogenic Archaea
(In-)Stability of Differential Inclusions
(K)Ein Bund fürs Leben
(Mis)readings of Marx in Continental Philosophy
(Mostly) Commutative Algebra
(Post)apartheid Conditions