Reflective Practice in Social Work, Fifth Edition

Reflective Practice in Social Work, Fifth Edition


Format: Print Book

ISBN: 9781526445674

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Reflective practice is at the heart of becoming a competent and confident social worker. It's both a key element of learning and development on social work courses and an important aspect of social work practice. This accessible and introductory text explores a range of approaches to reflective practice to help students become more confident in answering key questions, including 'what is reflective practice?', 'how do I develop as a reflective practitioner?' and 'how do I maintain reflective practice in key contexts?'. There are many useful resources such as Writing reflective journals, Communicating well with service users and carers and Reflective practice while on placements.

Imprint: Learning Matters
Language: English
Publication Year: 2018
Course Code:SWK211,SUSS