Ebooks and Print Books Specialist
Chinese Pagodas on the World Stage: Models from the Tushanwan Orphanage, 1915
Across the Pacific: Art and the Manila Galleons
Now Boarding: Experiencing Singapore Through Travel, 1800s 2000s
Reflections at Bukit Chandu: Stories and Legacies of the Malay Regiment, Opium Hill and Pasir Panjang
Picturing the Pandemic: A Visual Record of COVID-19 in Singapore
Get Curious! The Official Interactive Family Guide to the National Museum of Singapore
Patterns of Trade: Indian Textiles for Export in the Asian Civilisations Museum
Andrew Gn: Fashioning Singapore and the World
Dislocations: Memory and Meaning of the Fall of Singapore, 1942
四海汇风华 亚洲文明博物馆百件珍藏 100 Masterpieces of the Asian Civlisations Museum
Raffles Revisited: Essays in Collecting and Colonialism in Java, Singapore, and Sumatra
[eBook] Raffles Revisited: Essays in Collecting and Colonialism in Java, Singapore, and Sumatra
[eBook] Sikhs in Singapore: A Story Untold
The Letters of Sir Stamford Raffles to His Sister Mary Anne Flint
Chetti Melaka of the Straits: Rediscovering Peranakan Indian Communities
Word and the Image: In Art and Society
Changi Chapel & Museum: Remembering the Internees and Legacies of Changi
Director’s Choice: Asian Civilisations Museum
ஊர் திரும்பியவர், வேர் ஊன்றியவர்: தென்கிழக்காசியாவிலும் சிங்கப்பூரிலும் தமிழர்
The Tang Shipwreck: Art and Exchange in the 9th Century
Wartime Kitchen: Food and Eating in Singapore, 1942 – 1950
Singapore Indian Heritage
Once Upon A Time in Little India
Sojourners to Settlers: Tamils in Southeast Asia and Singapore
Blanc de Chine: Porcelain from Dehua
Guo Pei: Chinese Art and Couture
Luminous Depths. A Contemporary Project on the Museum. Lee Mingwei
Nyonya Needlework: Embroidery and Beadwork in the Peranakan World
Amek Gambar – Taking Pictures: Peranakans and Photography
The Fearless Twins and the Magical Kaleido: A Narrow Escape