Principles Of Nuclear Chemistry

Principles Of Nuclear Chemistry

Peter A C Mcpherson

Format: Print Book

ISBN: 9781786340511

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Principles of Nuclear Chemistry is an introductory text in nuclear chemistry and radiochemistry, aimed at undergraduates with little or no knowledge of physics. It covers the key aspects of modern nuclear chemistry and includes worked solutions to end of chapter questions.The text begins with basic theories in contemporary physics and uses these to introduce some fundamental mathematical techniques. It relates nuclear phenomena to key divisions of chemistry such as atomic structure, spectroscopy, equilibria and kinetics. It also gives an introduction to f-block chemistry and the nuclear power industry.This book is essential reading for those taking a first course in nuclear chemistry and is a useful companion to other volumes in physical and analytical chemistry. It will also be of use to those new to working in nuclear chemistry or radiochemistry.

Format: Paperback
No of Pages: 272
Imprint: World Scientific Publishing Europe Ltd
Publication date: 20161222
Series: Essential Textbooks In Chemistry

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