Elements Of Computational Fluid Dynamics

Elements Of Computational Fluid Dynamics

John D Ramshaw

Format: Print Book

ISBN: 9781848166950

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This book is a brief introduction to the fundamental concepts of computational fluid dynamics (CFD). It is addressed to beginners, and presents the ABCs or bare essentials of CFD in their simplest and most transparent form. The approach taken is to describe the principal analytical tools required, including truncation-error and stability analyses, followed by the basic elements or building blocks of CFD, which are numerical methods for treating sources, diffusion, convection, and pressure waves. Finally, it is shown how those ingredients may be combined to obtain self-contained numerical methods for solving the full equations of fluid dynamics. The book should be suitable for self-study, as a textbook for CFD short courses, and as a supplement to more comprehensive CFD and fluid dynamics texts.

Format: Hardcover
No of Pages: 140
Imprint: Imperial College Press
Publication date: 20110301
Series: Icp Fluid Mechanics

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