Properties And Interactions Of Hyperons - Proceedings Of U.s.-japan Seminar

Properties And Interactions Of Hyperons - Proceedings Of U.s.-japan Seminar

Peter D Barnes

Format: Print Book

ISBN: 9789810217648

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This seminar focusses on the key issues addressed in measuring the hyperon-nucleon strong and weak interaction observables and in modelling the hyperon-nucleon interaction. Both quark and baryon pictures are addressed. Results from recent experiments at BNL, KEK, CERN and FNAL, including hyperon production, polarization and decay, are explored; both S = -1 and S = -2 systems are included. The status of our understanding of hyperon weak decays in the nuclear medium is examined and the constraints placed upon our modelling of the hyperon-nucleon interaction by our knowledge of hypernuclear properties are also investigated. Finally, the present status of, as well as future prospects for, the measurements of the hyperon-nucleon interaction are summarized.

Format: Hardcover
No of Pages: 328
Imprint: World Scientific
Publication date: 19940801

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