Exciting Physics With New Accelerator Facilities - Proceedings Of The International Workshop
Format: Print Book
ISBN: 9789810236717
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This volume discusses the exciting physics with new accelerator facilities, which are being constructed or proposed in various places. The facilities are RHIC (Brookhaven), CEBAF (TJINP), SPring-8 (Nishi-Harima), RIBF (RIKEN), JHP (KEK-INS), RIB (MSU), LISS (IUCF) and COSY (Juelich). RHIC aims at the creation of a QCD deconfinement phase and the study of the properties of such matter. CEBAF and SPring-8 use leptons to probe the quark-gluon structures of hadrons and nuclei. LISS and COSY use high resolution hadron beams to study hadron structures. JHP produces strong secondary hadron beams for hyper-nuclear physics and rare decay studies of basic symmetries. RIBF and RIB produce radioactive nuclear beams for the study of the nuclear structure of unstable nuclei far from beta stability, and astrophysics issues.
Format: Paperback
No of Pages: 304
Imprint: World Scientific
Publication date: 19981012