Porous Media: Physics, Models, Simulation - Proceedings Of The International Conference
Format: Print Book
ISBN: 9789810241261
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This book concerns a rapidly developing area of science that deals with the behavior of porous media saturated by fluids. Three basic aspects of this field are rather uniformly balanced in the book; namely, complex physical mechanisms of processes in porous media, new mathematical models, and numerical methods of process study. The following topics are included: homogenization and up-scaling of flow through heterogeneous media; micro-structural laws of complex flow at the pore scale; flow with phase transition and chemical reactions in porous media; wave propagation in saturated porous media; numerical model of flow in natural oil reservoirs; non-classical models of flow, percolation, fractals, foam flow; multi-phase flow with free surface. The contributors to this volume are leading researchers in the field.
Format: Hardcover
No of Pages: 436
Imprint: World Scientific
Publication date: 20000112