Migration, Transmission, Localisation: Visual Art in Singapore (1886–1945)
Format: Print Book
ISBN: 9789811129254
Publisher: National Gallery Singapore
Author Biography: Yeo Mang Thong is a Singaporean scholar and senior educator whose research focuses on pre-war Singapore art and artists. He is known for his use of newspaper sources from the pre-war period as a means to study Singapore’s art history, and his 1992 publication Xinjiapozhanqianhuarenmeishushilunji (Essays on the History of Pre-War Chinese Painting in Singapore) is one of the most cited references for scholars in the field. Other publications include????? • ???????????????1886-1945??, which the National Gallery Singapore translated and published as Migration, Transmission, Localisation: Visual Art in Singapore (1886-1945) in 2019.
Language: English
Country of Origin: Singapore
Page count: 248
Binding: Paperback
Search words: Advertisements, Newspapers, Singapore, Disapora, Pre-War Art, Translation