Hands-on Project Management: Practice Your Skills With Simulation Based Training

Hands-on Project Management: Practice Your Skills With Simulation Based Training

Avraham Shtub

Format: Print Book

ISBN: 9789813200531

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Teaching project management is not an easy task. Part of the difficulty is the one-of-a-kind nature of projects. This book and the software that comes with it (Project Team Builder) present a unique approach to the teaching and training of project management — an approach based on a software tool that combines an interactive, dynamic case study and a simple yet effective Project Management System. The book focuses on problems that the project manager faces in planning, monitoring and controlling projects.Together with the software, the book provides the user with the opportunity to experience complex Project Management situations, understand the situation, develop alternative ways to cope with it and select the best alternative based on rigorous analysis.Project Team Builder (PTB), the software that accompanies this book, is web-based, please visit www.sandboxmodel.com.To use PTB, you must enter the unique access code provided on the inside front cover of this book. If you are using an e-book, please click here for your unique code.This book also has accompany video tutorials. Visit www.sandboxmodel.com to access the Videos.

Format: Hardcover
No of Pages: 196
Imprint: World Scientific
Publication date: 20171229

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