[eChapters]Southeast Asian Affairs 2011
(Timor-Leste In 2010: On the Road to Peace and Prosperity?)

[eChapters]Southeast Asian Affairs 2011 (Timor-Leste In 2010: On the Road to Peace and Prosperity?)

Dennis Shoesmith

Format: eChapters-DRM

ISBN: 9789814345040C19

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"Founded in 1974, Southeast Asian Affairs provides, without fear or favour, informed and in-depth annual analyses of this vibrant region and its component countries. It is the only publication which does this and is in its own class without peers. It is a mandatory reference and read for those seriously interested in knowing Southeast Asia."

- Professor A.B. Shamsul, Founding Director
Institute of Ethnic Studies, Universiti Bebangsaan Malaysia

"Now in its 38th edition, Southeast Asian Affairs offers an indispensable guide to this fascinating region. Lively, analytical, authoritative, and accessible, there is nothing comparable in quality or range to this series. It is a must read for academics, government officials, the business community, the media and anybody with an interest in contemporary Southeast Asia. Drawing on its unparalleled network of researchers and commentators, ISEAS is to be congratulated for producing this major contribution to our understanding of this diverse and fast-changing region, to a consistently high standard and in a timely manner."

- Hal Hill, H.W. Arndt Professor of Southeast Asian Economies
Australian National University

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Subjects:International Relations

Number of Pages: 16


Institute of Southeast Asian Studies

Publication Date: 40701

Format: Ebook

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