Problems In Probability (2nd Edition)

Problems In Probability (2nd Edition)

Terry M Mills

Format: Print Book

ISBN: 9789814551458

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This is a book of problems in probability and their solutions. The work has been written for undergraduate students who have a background in calculus and wish to study probability.Probability theory is a key part of contemporary mathematics. The subject plays a key role in the insurance industry, modelling financial markets, and statistics in general — including all those fields of endeavour to which statistics is applied (e.g. health, physical sciences, engineering, economics, social sciences). Every student majoring in mathematics at university ought to take a course on probability or mathematical statistics. Probability is now a standard part of high school mathematics, and teachers ought to be well versed and confident in the subject. Problem solving is important in mathematics. This book combines problem solving and probability.

Format: Hardcover
No of Pages: 192
Imprint: World Scientific
Publication date: 20131024
Series: Series On Concrete And Applicable Mathematics

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