Floating World, The: Issues In International Trade Theory

Floating World, The: Issues In International Trade Theory

Wilfred J Ethier

Format: Print Book

ISBN: 9789814590310

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In The Floating World, Emeritus Professor of Economics Wilfred Ethier collates 22 papers that delve deep into the study on International Trade Theory. These papers are grouped into six distinct sections. Each covers an overarching research program in trade theory — Factor-Endowments Theory, Economies of Scale, International Factor Markets, Regional Integration, the Political Economy of Trade Policy, and Administered Protection. An additional section for important papers outside of those programs is also included. With papers originally written in the 1970s all the way up to recent times, Ethier provides contemporary commentary for each section, referring to further sources, candid accounts on the state of international trade theory at the time and how each paper contributed to further improvements of their respective research program.

Format: Hardcover
No of Pages: 472
Imprint: World Scientific
Publication date: 20140522
Series: World Scientific Studies In International Economics

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