Format: Print Book
ISBN: 9789814834476
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Help students take full advantage of the power of spreadsheet modeling with the book geared entirely to Excel 2016 -- Winston/Albright's PRACTICAL MANAGEMENT SCIENCE, 6E. This book integrates modeling into all functional areas of business -- finance, marketing, operations management -- using real examples and real data. Theory blends with applied, relevant learning for a solid foundation, followed by practical, hands-on exercises that emphasize the methodologies. The book focuses on modeling rather than algebraic formulations and memorization of particular models. New and updated cases help highlight the latest changes in the accompanying @RISK and PrecisionTree add-ins. Optimization chapters incorporates "BigPicture" diagrams of spreadsheet models, while a new chapter emphasizes data mining. In addition, almost 30 updated tutorial videos clarify concepts and work through examples.
Number of Pages840
Copyright year2019
Course CodeSUSS,BUS107