WILEY ASIA Faculty Development Series

WILEY ASIA Faculty Development Series


Format: Webinar

ISBN: 978EWEBI00281

  • SGD 145.40
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Wiley Asia Faculty Development Series



SGD 145.40 (before the discount) FOR 3 WEBINARS

James M Lang

Thinking Through ChatGPT

Wed, 26 April 2023

11:00 AM - 12:00 PM (GMT+8, Singapore Time)

·    Discover tasks that could benefit from AI support.

·    Identify academic work that should not rely on AI.

·    Learn the criteria to evaluate AI integration in your classrooms.

·    Get an introduction to ideas for AI policies in education.


Flower Darby

 Engaging Students in a Post-pandemic Hyflex Learning Model

Wed, 31 May 2023

10:00 AM - 11:00 AM (GMT+8, Singapore Time)

·    Discover methods to engage and prepare students for an increasingly online and interconnected world.

·    Learn how to utilize technology as a complement to seasoned teaching techniques to facilitate student attention and participation, as well as effective assessment of their learning.

·    Develop intrinsic motivation to teach well with digital content and technologies as we strengthen our teaching toolbox.

·    Understand motivation science to encourage students to work with integrity, a critical skill for hybrid and remote workplaces.


Derek Bruff

 Inventing the Future of University Teaching

Wed, 28 June 2023

10:00 AM - 11:00 AM (GMT+8, Singapore Time)
· In the cognitive domain, we explore various tools for providing students with practice and feedback during synchronous class sessions.

· In the affective domain, we look at technologies that have been used to connect students to authentic audiences for their work including fellow students, with the goal of motivating engagement and deep learning.

· In the physical domain, we consider the affordances of active learning classrooms, bust open the myth of "learning styles," and end with a call for greater attention to embodied learning as we teach with technology.

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